Friday, October 16, 2009

The changing face of popular music

Started in the 1980's, the indie music movement originally meant independent. Bands produced and distributed their albums by themselves, through word of mouth, and other such means.

Today, the low production indie-style music is still in style. However, bands aren't necessarily independent. Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie... Such bands embody the indie sound while having major radio hits and major record labels.

In fact,the indie style has grown excessively. It's the 'it' music for college kids; just take a look around campus at all the posters for the local, indie bands that have concerts frequently. Spooktober, The Red Army... The Union is full of indie bands and ACRN plays mostly indie music.

It's no wonder indie is often called "college rock."

The push towards indie music in the last few years is leading bands such as Radiohead, who have major success, to self produce and self release their albums. Perhaps we'll se a decline in the recording label giants in the years to come, as more and more indie bands are popping up on radio stations' frequently played lists.

story by Liz Emley

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